Review the requirements and steps listed below. When ready click ‘Go To Next Step’ at bottom of page.

Follow these steps to become part of the Go AssetCo Marketplace
1. Provide your MC, DOT or state registration number.
2. Provide your active standard carrier alpha code (SCAC) assignment issued by the NMFTA with concurring MC number.
If you do not have a SCAC, visit An SCAC is required to complete your activation, so you must register for one before proceeding to the next step.
3. Please have your direct deposit/banking information available.
- Routing number
- Account number
- Bank name
4. Provide a certificate of insurance that meets the minimum requirements outlined below.
- Certificates must be submitted from your insurance agent.
- Cargo coverage – $100,000 minimum
Auto coverage – $1,000,000
General liability – $1,000,000/occurrence
Workers’ comp with statutory limits and employer’s liability (per statute box checked) -compliance/legal/workers-compensation-laws-state-by-state-comparison-57181/ - Certificate holder must show:
Registry Monitoring Insurance Services, Inc.
5388 Sterling Center Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91361
5. Carrier contact must be authorized to enter into and bind your company to the carrier agreement.
6. Submit an electronic W-9.
Canadian carriers will need to upload form W-8BEN-E in the document field.
7. Applicants will be required to meet the following carrier compliance requirements
- Active common and/or contract authority
- Safety rating must be satisfactory (or none)
- All carriers must have appropriate federal, state or provincial authority
*Please Note: When entering your information, please answer based on your company’s assets. DO NOT include broker or 3PL information. Website will time out after 30 minutes – please have documents available to complete the process.